Temperature (F)
Yesterday's (12/20/2024) High 61.3
Overnight (12/20/2024) Low 31.5
Highest Temperature this Month 74.3
Lowest Temperature this Month 22.7
Highest Temperature this Year (06/26/2024 16:15) 101.7
Lowest Temperature this Year (01/21/2024 07:15) 17.3
Rainfall (inches)
24-hour Rainfall ending 8am Today 0.00
Total Rain this Month 1.59
Average Rain for DEC 3.54
Total Rain to Date 54.85
Average Rain to Date 47.99
Annual Average Rainfall 49.33
Wind Speed (MPH)
Yesterday's (12/20/2024) Highest Sustained Wind 8.7
Yesterday's (12/20/2024) Highest Gust 24.8
Highest Sustained Wind this Month 14.8
Highest Gust this Month 47.0
Barometric Pressure (inches Hg)
Yesterday's MAX Pressure 29.75
Yesterday's MIN Pressure 29.56