Temperature (F) |
Yesterday's (12/20/2024) High |
61.3 |
Overnight (12/20/2024) Low |
31.5 |
Highest Temperature this Month |
74.3 |
Lowest Temperature this Month |
22.7 |
Highest Temperature this Year (06/26/2024 16:15) |
101.7 |
Lowest Temperature this Year (01/21/2024 07:15) |
17.3 |
Rainfall (inches) |
24-hour Rainfall ending 8am Today |
0.00 |
Total Rain this Month |
1.59 |
Average Rain for DEC |
3.54 |
Total Rain to Date |
54.85 |
Average Rain to Date |
47.99 |
Annual Average Rainfall |
49.33 |
Wind Speed (MPH) |
Yesterday's (12/20/2024) Highest Sustained Wind |
8.7 |
Yesterday's (12/20/2024) Highest Gust |
24.8 |
Highest Sustained Wind this Month |
14.8 |
Highest Gust this Month |
47.0 |
Barometric Pressure (inches Hg) |
Yesterday's MAX Pressure |
29.75 |
Yesterday's MIN Pressure |
29.56 |