15 minute period ending 2024-07-26 20:45

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Area Towers (Measurements at 200 ft. AGL)
Location Wind Dir. Wind Speed (200ft.) Wind Speed* (33ft.) Gust
Stability Temp.
A Area 46°(NE) 4.0 mph None mph 10.5 mph None 83°F
C Area 152°(SSE) 5.9 mph None mph 9.2 mph None 80°F
D Area ???°(???) ??? mph None mph None mph None ???°F
F Area None °(None) None mph None mph None mph None None °F
H Area None°(None) None mph None mph None mph None None°F
K Area None°(None) None mph None mph None mph None None°F
L Area None°(None) None mph None mph None mph None None°F
N Area None °(None) None mph None mph None mph None None ° F
P Area None°(None) None mph None mph None mph None None°F
SRS Avg None°(None) None mph None mph None None°F

*Estimated from 200ft. winds

Climatology Tower (N Area) at ground level (7 ft.)
Wind Dir. Wind Spd. Gust Temp. Rel.Hum. WBGT Heat Index
188 (S) 2.8 mph 6.9 mph 77 ° F 94 % 78.1 ° "One"
Data courtesy of ATG's WIND System